We are now 9 months into pandemic with many unexpected restrictions…
It is hardly surprising that our society started to display “locked in the cage “ symptoms. Our world is shrinking so is our perception of it.
More than ever there is a need to change, and broaden our perception.
It is in our power to refocus and to approach life and people with more humility and curiosity.
When we succumb to negative emotions and lose the ability to take joy in the existence of others, comparing ourselves and our actions with others and their actions, we become more judgemental. We tangle ourselves up in expectations and convictions of how others should be, react and behave. Disappointment and resentment is usually the outcome of that, which only adds to our negative emotions.
How do we break this unfortunate cycle….?
We can open and surrender ourselves to other people’s joy, happiness, we can share their smiles. Their vital energy will inevitably touch us if we allow it. It will penetrate us like a golden sunray and make a transformation deep within us.
When we discard our desires and projections of how others should or shouldn’t be, we enter a new state of inner freedom….
It is easier than we think, we just change our focus and open ourselves to the joy of our family members, friends….even our virtual friends, and people around us. This will enhance and support everyone’s fire of positivity, joy, and happiness.